Scams while buying Online Groceries! You think you’re saving time by ordering groceries online, only to open the bag and find something funky lurking inside. No worries, refunds happen! But what if that refund turns into a major headache? A Bengaluru woman recently lost a whopping Rs 77,000 trying to return spoiled milk – all thanks to a sneaky online scam. 

Hold Up! Fake Customer Service on the LineScams

Here’s the deal. This woman, let’s call her Sophia (cause everyone deserves a chill name!), found a helpline number online while trying to return that bad milk. Turns out, this number wasn’t legit! A scammer, pretending to be from customer service, convinced Sophia she could get a refund on the spot without sending back the milk. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, that’s because it was!

Don’t Fall for These Phishy Refund Tricks!

This is where things get sketchy. Real customer service will never ask for your UPI PIN or tell you to send money through some random UPI ID. Unfortunately, Sophia wasn’t aware of this red flag and ended up sharing her PIN. Big mistake! The scammer then stole a whopping Rs 77,000 from her account. Yikes!

Stay Woke and Avoid Grocery Shopping Scams

Don’t let this happen to you! Here’s how to be a boss and avoid these scams:

  • Skip the sketchy search: Always find customer care numbers on the official website or app of the grocery platform you used. Don’t trust random helpline numbers floating around the internet.
  • Refunds shouldn’t involve money transfers: Real companies will credit your original payment method, not ask you to send money elsewhere.
  • Your UPI PIN is like your top-secret password: Keep it private, no exceptions!
  • Slow down and be suspicious: If something about the refund process feels weird, trust your gut! Don’t be pressured to rush through things.

Tricky Scams to Face? Here’s What to Do

If you suspect you’ve been targeted by a scammer, don’t panic, but act fast!

  • Contact your bank: Let them know about the unauthorized transaction ASAP.
  • Report the crime: File a complaint with the cybercrime cell.

By staying alert and following these tips, you can outsmart online grocery scams and keep your online shopping smooth sailing. Remember, if you’re ever unsure, contact the grocery platform directly.

Spoiled milk is bad enough, don’t let a scam ruin your day!

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