Mobile Application security Audit (VAPT)

What is mobile application security?

Mobile application security focuses on the software security posture of mobile apps on various platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. These applications have access to large amounts of user data, much of which is sensitive data and must be protected from unauthorized access.

Why Mobile Application security Audit?

Application security audit increases operational efficiency, addresses compliance requirements, reduces risk, and improves trust between a business and users. Public security breaches and compliance violations severely tarnish the reputation of an enterprise and make potential users wary of trusting the business’ services.

Why Cybercure for Mobile Application security Audit?

CyberCure is one of the best Mobile Application VAPT companies in India, its prime objective is to facilitate the process of policing the efforts of mobile app development and implementing a basic robust framework that determines a minimum amount of security controls that allow mobile apps to withstand the risk of operating in a vulnerable mobile environment.

CyberCure Can help you protect your Client’s Privacy and misuse of your Mobile Application. Get in touch now for better Understanding!