Finding love online can be a gamble, but who knew it could also lead to a major crypto caper? Well, that’s exactly what happened to a guy named Naman Aggarwal in Gurugram. Buckle up, because this story is a cautionary tale for anyone swiping right while dreaming of digital riches.

Love Match or Crypto Catch?

This fella, Naman Aggarwal, connected with a woman named “Ridhi Sharma” on a popular matrimonial site back in November. They chatted online, Ridhi seemed successful and living abroad – all the makings of a perfect match, right? Wrong! Turns out, Ridhi was a total catfish with a not-so-romantic ulterior motive.

From Chatting to Crypto Chaos

Things took a weird turn when Ridhi started talking about cryptocurrency (crypto for short) – that digital money that everyone’s buzzing about. Ridhi, pretending to be a crypto whiz, convinced Naman of a killer opportunity with a new coin called “Deuncoin.” Blinded by the idea of easy money (and maybe a little swept off his feet?), Naman invested a cool Rs 10 lakh on a platform Ridhi “recommended.”

Red Flags Start WavingCrypto

Here’s where things get fishy. Naman gets a message from Deuncoin’s “customer support” saying his account is flagged for money laundering by Ridhi herself! To fix this mess, they need another Rs 10 lakh. Hoping to save the day (and his investment), Naman coughs up the cash. But guess what? This was just the beginning. The scammers kept making up fake charges, draining Naman of even more money.

Love Lost, Cash Lost

By December, Naman realized he’d been played. Ridhi vanished, and his Rs 38 lakh dreams of crypto riches went up in smoke. Heartbroken and frustrated, he reported the whole thing to the cybercrime police. Here’s the thing: online dating and crypto can be awesome, but there are some bad apples out there.

The Takeaway: Don’t Get Catfished

  • Don’t trust investment advice from someone you haven’t met in person, no matter how charming they seem online.
  • Research ANY crypto platform or investment before throwing your money at it.
  • Keep your financial info under lock and key, especially from online connections.
  • If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Stay safe out there, lovebirds and crypto enthusiasts! Use your heart, but also your head. Happy swiping (and responsible crypto investing)!

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