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Information/Cyber Security: A must learn the field in the computing world, where all the devices are, knowingly or unknowingly, connected to the outer world and may be transmitting personal and corporate information over an unsecured channel.

Nowadays, there is a need to be worried about the Security of human safety and Corporate and Confidential data security. With the help of this course, I’ve tried to explain all the loopholes present in the system. Is it the system or applications, or is it us who are doing the mistakes? Big Data comes with bigger risks. There are many examples that we can consider in order to relate the incidents to an organization’s reputation loss. Big organizations and even individuals were being the victims of the Cyber-attacks.

As per the statistics and reports from multiple sources, the number of privacy breaches reported during the financial year 2017-2018 is too many and this has significantly increased the corporate world’s concern for data privacy. If we think that we as individuals and our organizations are secure, then this course is going to change your mind and help you understand the vulnerabilities that could cause a serious damage to us and our organizations. If you really want to secure your organization or your country, then it is important to first secure yourself and your family and loved ones, and then think about your organization and country. The main reason why I am saying this is, though you can patch everything and install a new software update in the systems, you cannot patch human stupidity. It is us (the end users) who are the main reason behind every incident.

In this Cyber Security Course, I’ve tried to explain most of the common ways that everyone should know, such as how an attacker gains access to your organization’s infrastructure and causes the loss in business, damages reputation and even poses a threat to human life.

There is a need for security in the face of new forms of threats such as terrorism, identity threat, and cybercrime. “Instead of using bullet and bombs, the hackers are using Bits & Bytes.” Hackers have switched over to cyberweapons because of reasons like:

Cyber weapons can be accessed globally.They don’t need any passport or are not required to stand on immigration lines, or come across border detection systems.
It is high time that we all become aware of Cyber Security and that can only be achieved by spreading cyber security awareness to people associated with any organization, even if they are not responsible for the cybersecurity of the organization. As soon as employees connect with the network of the organization, they actually open a door for attackers.

After going through the points mentioned above, I hope it is clear that there is a huge demand for Cyber Security Experts across the globe.

There are many Cyber Security Certifications that can help you achieve a lot in the field of Cyber Security. For more information, we would like you to connect with us.

For more info visit: www.cybercure.in
